SAHARA býður upp á heildstæða lausn á sviði markaðssetningar. Við sérhæfum okkur í umsjón með samfélagsmiðlum, stafrænum herferðum, vefsíðugerð, árangursmælingum, efnissköpun, framleiðslu myndbanda og auglýsinga, textasmíð, hönnun og mörkun.

SAHARA er í senn auglýsingastofa og framleiðslufyrirtæki sem gerir ferlið frá hugmynd til framkvæmdar einfalt og hagkvæmt. Við störfum með fyrirtækjum af hvaða stærðargráðu sem er og aðlögum okkur að stærð verkefna.



SAHARA byggir á rúmlega tíu ára grunni en framleiðslufyrirtækið SILENT, sem síðar sameinaðist SAHARA, var stofnað árið 2009. SAHARA byrjaði með einum sérfræðingi í stafrænni markaðssetningu en hefur vaxið hratt síðan.

SAHARA er í örum vexti en núna starfa 35 sérfræðingar og reynsluboltar hjá okkur að ólíkum verkefnum eins og stafrænum herferðum og árangursmælingum, framleiðslu myndbanda og ljósmynda, hönnun og mörkun, textasmíð og efnissköpun, vefsíðugerð og umsjón með samfélagsmiðlum.


UK Paid Media Awards


Best Integrated Paid Media

Paid Social Campaign of the Year

The UK Paid Media Awards recognise the contribution that paid advertising delivers to engagement, clicks, leads, sales and ultimately profit.

The Awards shine a light on campaigns, strategies, teams and individuals working in paid media and showcase the work that is winning them business and benchmarking for future campaigns.

To rank top, you must demonstrate your creativity, ability to respond to a changing market and your tactical use of budget.

US Agency Awards:Winner


Paid Social Media Campaign Of The Year

The US Agency Awards celebrate the impact that agencies of all shapes, sizes, and specialities are making across the US.The awards recognise and reward the innovative strategies and exceptional campaigns agencies use to transform businesses and organizations across the United States.

The broad categories champion agencies large and small, working across multiple industries, from creative and design to digital and technology, marketing and advertising to public relations and media.

UK Ecommerce Awards



The UK eCommerce Awards recognise, reward, and celebrate outstanding online retail websites, platforms, software, and campaigns, and the agencies and in-house teams that drive innovation.

The categories celebrate website creativity and technology, software and innovation, eCommerce campaigns and the teams and individuals that are setting the benchmark in the industry.

AVA Digital Awards:Gold


Integrated Marketing Campaign

Social Media Advertising Campaign

AVA Digital Awards is an international competition that recognizes excellence by creative professionals responsible for the planning, concept, direction, design, and production of digital communication.

Work ranges from digital campaigns – to audio and video production – to website development – to social media engagement – to mobile marketing.

Global Digital Excellence Awards:Gold


Paid Social Media Campaign Of The Year

The Global Digital Excellence Awards celebrate the very best in digital excellence across the globe. The awards recognize and celebrate innovation, creativity, engagement, and success. We are proud to say that we got nominated for the Global Digital Excellence Awards 2020 and are one of the best four agencies in global digital excellence.

Global Digital Excellence Awards:Silver


Paid Media Campaign Of The Year

The Global Digital Excellence Awards celebrate the very best in digital excellence across the globe. The awards recognize and celebrate innovation, creativity, engagement, and success. We are proud to say that we got nominated for the Global Digital Excellence Awards 2020 and are one of the best four agencies in global digital excellence.

Great place to work

May 2021- May 2022

We are proud to announce that we are a certified “Great Place to Work”, which is the most definitive “employer of choice” recognition. The Certificate is based entirely on the report of our employees' experience about our workplace. Great Place to Work Certification is recognized worldwide by employees and employers alike and is the global benchmark for identifying and recognizing outstanding employee experience. 

Best Icelandic Brand 2020

We are proud to announce that we were recognised and awarded as one of the best Icelandic brands in the category “ less than 50 employees” in 2021 by Brandr.

Top Digital Marketing Companies in Europe


Sahara is officially listed by Martech as one of the Top 10 Digital Marketing Service Companies in Europe in 2020. This Certification states Digital Marketing Agencies which are at the european forefront of digital marketing consulting, services and transforming businesses.

Global Digital Excellence Awards

Finalist / 2020

The Global Digital Excellence Awards celebrate the very best in digital excellence across the globe. The awards recognize and celebrate innovation, creativity, engagement, and success. We are proud to say that we got nominated for the Global Digital Excellence Awards 2020 and are one of the best four agencies in global digital excellence.

Global eCommerce Awards

Finalist / 2021

These Awards recognize, reward, and celebrate outstanding eCommerce creativity, ingenuity, and innovation whether large or small nor global or local. We are proud to announce that we got recognized as excellent eCommerce for the year 2021 are one of the Top 10 global Agencies in eCommerce.

Af hverju stafræn auglýsingastofa? 

Every campaign we launch starts with a dream - your dream. And the first thing we do to discover that dream is listen to you. We want to hear about your company, your goals and your expectations. Once we understand what you, we select the team that’s most suitable to make it happen. We choose every member of your team with your goal in mind, and get them on board at the beginning of the process, so there is no doubt about where it’s all going to lead 
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